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Write Club: Learn the ropes of writing with a free online course with U of Iowa
The first first rule about write club is: You talk about write club. That’s why I need to blab about this free writing course.
Yep, free.
The University of Iowa occasionally offers a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on writing. This is an opportunity for writers, who tend to spend way too much time in their own heads, to join an international community interested in exploring, developing and/or improving their craft.
I like to think of it as a virtual Write Club.
Enrollment for the latest course Hidden Meanings: Creative Fiction, Non-fiction and Facts just opened. The class begins November 15, 2019.
Back in 2014, I participated in the International Writing Program’s first MOOC called Every Atom. The course offered a close look at Whitman’s Song of Myself. I knew nothing about the epic poem. But I accidentally stumbled upon an announcement of the class while searching online for something or the other and figured I had nothing to lose.
I didn’t realize how much I had to gain.
The course was set up as eleven video lectures by professors Christopher Merrill and Ed Folson, assigned reading, writing assignments, and online discussions led by aids. I went on to…